Not all ply is created equal

BM TRADA Q-Mark ply

We have found it difficult navigating the diminishing quality of plywood being imported into the UK from the Far East. There are some good manufacturers of ply in the Far East. However, there is a general lack of confidence about the consistency of quality of imported ply from the Far East.

Poorer grades of ply have more voids contained within the ply, poor faces with lots of filler and low quality veneers which delaminate excessively when cut.

BM Trada Q-Mark is a quality mark awarded to plywood which shows that the ply has met rigorous quality assurance and performance tests on a continual basis. This ensures the plywood is good quality, fit for purpose and will perform as expected. Our hardwood structural ply bears the Q-Mark giving you confidence that the plywood you buy from Johnsons for your building and DIY projects is manufactured to a good and consistent quality.

In our opinion, the cost saving by using lesser grades of hardwood ply is not worth the extra hassle involved working with the product or replacing it when it fails.

We do not keep inferior grades of structural hardwood ply, choosing the Q-Mark for it’s consistency and quality.

You can be confident your installations will stand the test of time with Q-Mark ply.